NDF22 | Closing address Rachel Esson

NDF22 closing address from Rachel Esson, National Librarian Te Pouhuaki of New Zealand, National Library.

Rachel Esson’s closing address of the NDF conference features discussions on various topics, including the strategic directions of the National Library, the importance of the wider library sector, the challenges faced by the New Zealand humanities community, and the GLAMIR sector's obstacles. Esson emphasises the need for boldness, collaboration, and sustainability while acknowledging the challenges faced by these communities. The GLAMIR sector has faced natural disasters, pandemics, and protests, but there are still individuals dedicated to preserving collections and supporting communities.

The NDF community values being bold, inspiring, inclusive, and sustainable, and Te Puna Mātauranga has the potential to support these values. The National Library aims to increase access to physical collections through digitisation and remove barriers to sharing knowledge and ideas. Overall, while there are inevitably challenges, Esson highlights the importance of continued progress and the value of the GLAMIR sector in improving lives.

This is an AI generated summary. There may be inaccuracies.


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