Lucie Paterson: The Lost Map of Wonderland: extending the visit beyond the physical

Wednesday November 20th, 2:00pm-2:25pm @ Soundings Theatre

Every exhibition at ACMI is considered a pilot to test experience and technology for future exhibitions and Wonderland was no different. The Wonderland exhibition opened in April 2018 at ACMI and went through until October. It’s an immersive and theatrical exhibition that celebrates the screen history of Lewis Carroll’s timeless stories. The Lost Map of Wonderland is an NFC-enhanced paper map and is the visitor’s companion device throughout the exhibition. It is integral to the exhibition experience — in-gallery and at home after the visit. Previous exhibitions had shown us visitors had an appetite for richer, longer content online so we wanted to test this with a more full post-visit experience. This presentation will give the audience insights into the design of the map experience, the challenges we faced, the evaluation including how it’s performing on tour and how we are applying what we learnt to the biggest project of all, the museum redevelopment.

Lucie Paterson, ACMI, Head of Experience, Product & Digital


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