Digital Capability Research

In May 2021 NDF received $20,000 seed funding from Manatū Taonga’s Capability Fund for this research project. The findings from this research will form the basis for an application for further funding from the Ministry for Culture and Heritage Capability Fund to be submitted in early 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape for the cultural sector. The closure of our physical spaces has resulted in dramatic demand for digital content, experiences, systems and ways of working. This has required the GLAM sector to understand and develop new digital mindsets, adopt new behaviours, and to rapidly attain a far greater degree of digital literacy across their organisations.

For the past 19 years NDF has gathered and inspired digital thinkers within the cultural sector and supported the sharing and development of digital capability and practice. Up until this point NDF has provided in-person workshops, training, and conferences. Following the impacts of the pandemic NDF has identified a need for this knowledge sharing and community to extend into the online space for greater accessibility, wider reach, and perennial resources for Aotearoa’s cultural community.

With this research project NDF hopes to identify key digital capability development needs for Aotearoa’s GLAM sector and effective means to address these through resources, tools and community activities.


2021-2022 Year in Review